NFTs have taken the art of representing non-fungible digital assets. They also help to access the ownership certificate of these assets. A valuable art piece can be expressed through these non-fungible tokens. The growing demand for NFTs has become a great talk back in town. The NFT token launch was initiated in 2014 by Anil Dash and Kevin McCoy. The craze of the NFTs has increased a lot by the year 2020. In the consequent years, the NFT tokens quenched 20,000 US million dollars boosting the overall economy. As per the report produced by SkyQuest technology, the overall revenues from NFT will hit 122 billion dollars with an overall CAGR of 34% in the year 2028. This growth will see its peak in between 2022-2028. The projections on NFTs are rising daily and some people question how to invest in them. This blog takes you to the concepts of NFT, its applications, and fractional NFTs. It gives you a clear picture of the smart investment in NFT. 


What Is Fractional NFT?


Fractional NFT is a part of NFT where multiple owners can access different parts of a single NFT token. Fractional NFT tokens come to space when multiple owners share ownership of a particular asset. With the help of fractional NFTs, the ownership rights of a particular asset can be shared among different members. Fractional NFTs are generated by dividing the whole NFT into small tradable pieces. Each piece of the token presents little units of a real asset. 


How To Create Fractional NFT?


While considering the creation of fractional NFTs, one should follow a step-by-step procedure. It includes:


Choosing The Asset: Choose the digital asset for which you are about to generate NFT Tokens. 


Generate Regular Nft: In this step, the NFT tokens generated to represent the digital asset. 


Smart Contract Development: Smart contract development plays a crucial role in the generation of ERC-20 tokens. These tokens are responsible for generating the fractional NFTs. These fractional tokens are generated in the Ethereum blockchain platform. The division of a single large NFT into smaller units yields fractional NFTs. 


Launch And Deploy: It forms the last step. Here, testing and deployment are carried out. 


Why Choose Fractional NFTs?


Functional NFTs are chosen to enjoy the liberty to trade. 


Accessing High-Valued Assets


The fractional NFTs allow investors to invest in small portions of a large asset. By doing so, they have access to a high-value asset at a lower price. Apart from this, it offers a convenient approach whilst coming to trade. 


Community Ownership


Since small fractions of a big asset are represented, the ownership rights are distributed among many people. Therefore, the owners of a particular asset can be involved in meetings to discuss any changes that can be made to the asset. 


High Liquidity


Since a single NFT is divided into several fractional tokens, you can trade them easily in the great NFT platform. It also allows you to claim large-valued assets with a single fractional NFTs. Tiny fractional NFTS are used to present portions of large assets which gives you a smart and innovative trade. The fungible property held by these tokens allows them to be traded without raising any complexity. 


Fractional NFT Tokenization With Smart Contracts 


Smart contracts play a major role in tokenizing fractional NFTs. These contracts are integrated into blockchain technology. They are responsible for ensuring security for the transactions in the blockchain network. Alternatively, these smart contracts also perform automated operations within the blockchain network.


Generation Of Erc-20 Tokens 


If you want to create fractional NFTs for a digital asset, the smart contract generates ERC-20 tokens in the Ethereum blockchain. 


Token Participation


The smart contracts allow individual NFT token holders to participate in community programs if they feel they could bring any changes. 


Streamlining Revenue Operations


The smart contracts act as a medium for revenue sharing to the NFT token holders as soon as rewards are earned. The rewards will be automatically distributed to the token holders. 


Fractional NFT Marketplace Development


A fractional NFT marketplace is generated so the participants can use the NFT tokens to trade digital assets. It exclusively opens up opportunities for traders to trade for high-cost assets. For example, you are a trader and you need to invest in high-cost art. NFT marketplace allows you to access the portion of the art piece with the help of fractional NFTs. Initially, regular NFT is used to represent the art piece in the blockchain platform. Then that NFT is divided into several smaller units called fractional NFTs to represent smaller units of the art. By doing so, the investor will get access to small portions of the asset. 


Trending NFT Tokens Used In NFT Marketplace 


Crypto-punks ( ERC-721): They were established in Larva Labs in the year 2017. They accredit being the highly used NFT token in the NFT marketplace to tokenize digital assets. It holds 24*24 pixel art with each NFT token has distinct characters and properties. 


Art blocks (ERC-721): It has gained popularity for an innovative approach to assigning NFT tokens to digital arts. 


Word of Women (ERC -721): Here, the NFT tokens consist of female-drawn avatars that resemble the women’s victory. These tokens are receiving high name and fame in the NFT market space. 


Multi-functional Fractional NFTs Real-World Use Cases


Apart from giving shared ownership, the benefits of fractional NFTs are also seen in several business use cases. 




Several play-to-earn games allow players to earn money through movements. They allow people to buy and sell in-game assets. On the other hand, multi-player games like Axie Infinity allow fractional NFTs to be used to access different portions of Anxie Infinity. 




Fractional NFts are also used in the art space. Art pieces with highly creative minds usually cost more. Therefore, to access fractional portions of such precious art, fractional NFts are used. 




The music pieces created by famous music artists are digitally available on the NFT platforms. The music art pieces are high cost non-fungible assets. To access those assets, fractional NFTs are used. 




Investing in real estate is the right choice since it gives profits for a certain period. For real estate investment, high capital money is required. The fractional NFts are the entry tokens to access these high-valued properties. With a single real estate NFT, subsequent smaller NFTs are generated which gives shared authority to the property owners. 


Benefits of Fractional NFTs in the Web3 Space


Democratic trade


Earlier, people could not access precious and high-valued assets due to the rise in the NFT prices. But with the concept of fractional NFTs, people can have access to these assets either to buy, invest, or gift others. 


Discovering the actual price


In some cases, the actual price of an NFT asset is not visible when there is a lack of transaction details. When NFT is minted into fractional units, the actual price can be easily bidded. 


High liquidity rate


When the prices of the NFT digital assets are high, they cannot be sold quickly. But with the aid of fractional NFts, the smaller portion of the assets are easily accessible even if they are of high cost. They pave a path to be sold quickly thereby enduring high liquidity. 


Highly recommended for the creators


The creators of fractional NFTs are also gifted to gain exposure to the F-NFT marketplace. 


Successful Fractional NFT Marketplaces


Crypto punks


They offer fractional ownership to the people who are ready to access the portions of valuable art collections. 


Fractional art


It allows investors to invest on the valuable collection of famous artworks. It also allows members with shared ownership to get pieces of the digital art.

It allows us to sell F-nfts among a group of people. In this case, a collection of fungible fractional nfts is used that can be either inter-changed or sold in the NFT marketplace platform. 


Why Choose Breedcoins for Fractional NFT Marketplace Development?


Since NFTs play a major role in the trading of digital assets, choosing a perfect company is essential to develop an innovative NFT marketplace. The traders and their demands of trading are growing day by day. At this point, the NFT marketplace serves a great hand for conveniently trading digital assets. Some factors are there to be considered before selecting a particular NFT marketplace development company. Initially, you should check over its period of service. The period of service determines how long the NFT marketplace development services are provided for the company. You must also have a look at their skilled teams and experts to analyze their capability of offering the best services. You should visit over the cost-effective paradigms used to deliver their services to their clients. Breedcoins is an NFT Marketplace Development Company servicing its business operations worldwide. Their motto is to deliver innovative projects to the customers exceeding their expectations. Dedicated hard work and team coordination have glorified their business to build a strong base as a NFT market development company.