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Mobile Game Development – Development Hurdles You Should Know

Development Hurdles Of Mobile Games


The mobile gaming sector has been tremendously growing in recent days. With technological improvements, mobile gaming is much more popular and trending to newer heights. According to insights, 62% of smartphone users install games after one week of purchasing. Mobile gaming has skyrocketed and surpassed the traditional game. Developing and converting your dream game into reality is a little more complex. You have a well-defined plan before building your game. That means planning, designing, developing, testing, and distributing the game on targeted mobile platforms. At the same time, you should know the hurdles and challenges before initiating mobile game development. Let us see the hurdles and challenges in detail.

Operating System Fragmentation

It’s a most common challenge that every mobile developer faces while developing. Android OS holds the marketing share more than iOS. There are a lot of OS that come up with different versions at regular intervals. Developers must make sure their game mechanics and functions work properly on the majority of devices and different versions. It is a difficult one. To overcome this, Cross-platform tools, such as PhoneGap and Unity, help to streamline the code and use it for multiple OS.

Feature Creep

Game developers initiate with a straightforward concept with minimal features and gradually add more features as they go along. In addition to making the game more difficult, it veers off the original game concept. For best practice developers should first design the key functionalities and features to prevent feature creep. They will move on to additional features after these primary functionalities are completed.

Target Audience

Targeting the right audience is one of the most important challenges in game development. It requires deep analysis of marketing and studies into different demographics and data points to understand what game will click with them. Because people nowadays do not only pick single game genres. Some like racing games, some like action games, and others like puzzle games. Game developers can use survey tools and research about people’s demographics. To interact with your People, you can utilize app stores, social media and run paid campaigns.

Security Concerns

Users must provide personal information to participate and play in the game. These private data must be secured and safe. It’s the responsibility of the mobile game development company to ensure that data is secure. Peer-to-peer encryption techniques to prevent fraud or unauthorized access to your data. As a result, if a player misplaces the device, they should still be able to play the game on other devices without losing the gaming data. Game creators should know a variety of encryption methods to accomplish this.

Flawless UI/UX Design

User Experience and User Interface experience of the game are crucial for a successful mobile game. To avoid visual clutter on a small screen, designers must give priority to the most essential features. Additionally, they must emphasize responsive design, minimal cognitive burden, and a unified visual language. These factors support the player’s instinctive understanding of how to interact with various game elements. In addition to these, designers should define waist to simplify and visually represent complicated concepts to make them accessible to players.

Technical Optimization

Mobile devices have a minimal amount of processing power and memory unlike PCs and gaming consoles. Thus, to confirm that their games load quickly and operate smoothly, game developers must concentrate on technical optimization. Players expect a flawless experience without lags or crashes, therefore developers must strike a balance between visually stunning game graphics and optimal performance. A constant challenge is finding this balance while providing an engaging experience.

Game Visibility

Making your game visible is a tedious task for the developers. Once your game is ready the next step is to tweak a well-defined marketing strategy to grab the attention of users.

Following the below strategies to grab the potential users:

  • Launch the first version of the game that is initially free.
  • Promote it through third-party app stores and other comparable websites.
  • Get visible on popular social media platforms, blogs, and portals.
  • Always respond to critics and influencers, and consider feedback positively.

Monetization Models

After the development phase, a game must generate revenue to sustain and grow. Developers must strike a balance between delivering a satisfying player experience and generating revenue. Several ways to generate revenue include.

  • Sponsored Ads
  • In-App purchases
  • Monthly subscription model
  • Paid Mobile Games
  • Premium versions

Before implementing these monetization models developers should review each method that will be suitable for your game and provide continuous revenue.

App Store Approval

Publishing a game on mobile platforms like Apple App Store or google play store involves a strict approval process. Gaming platforms have their own rules, standards, and guidelines. Your games must meet those standards and guidelines to avoid delays or even rejection. It’s essential to optimize your game for the mobile app platforms and to follow all rules and regulations.

Update & Maintenance

After deploying your game on mobile platforms you should monitor analytics like users’ downloads and impressions. You must keep your game up-to-date, fix bugs, and update new versions regularly to retain your audience. Always collect your user’s feedback to ensure a hassle-free gaming experience.

Final Notes

The development of mobile games is a creative, challenging, and rewarding experience. Although the aforementioned difficulties can be overwhelming, they also contribute to the dynamic and always-changing nature of the business world. Think about BreedCoins as your mobile game development company. We are a team of developers and gaming experts with ample years of experience in the mobile gaming sector.

There is no matter whether you are creating a game in different gaming engines like Unity, Unreal, Godot Engine or Cocos2D, We can help you without sacrificing quality. Our game developers are flexible, inventive, and devoted to their industry. Start your mobile game journey with us and make success in the gaming sector.